St. Augustine's
Ultimate Christmas Experience
November 29 - December 22, 2024

'Twas the talk of the season,
all merry and bright,
At Ancient City Farmstead, a wondrous sight!
The Inaugural Christmas Experience was here,
A place filled with laughter and holiday cheer.
With twinkling lights strung on each barn and tree,
Attractions and fun for the whole family.
Ice skating in Florida, warm cocoa in hand,
And the largest Christmas tree in all of the land!
There were crafts for the kids and carols to sing,
A workshop with Santa, and bells that would ring.
Every corner a joy, every face wore a grin,
At this festival where the fun will begin.
So come one, come all, with your holiday cheer,
To Ancient City Farmstead, the time’s drawing near.
The Christmas Experience is finally here,
This season, Christmas comes early this year!

Ancient City Farmstead
Getting There
Christmas Experience is open Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from November 29th through December 22nd this year. Select your date to purchase tickets today!
Daily hours are 5-9 pm on Fridays and from 2-9 pm on Saturdays and Sundays. Tickets may be redeemed on any date during the festival.
Redeemable on any Festival DateWe're so excited to share this unique holiday experience with your entire family! Tickets include access to all of the Christmas Experience facilities. Outdoor Skating ticketing may be added on at the time of ticket purchase or separately on-site.
Though the inaugural Christmas Experience will run a limited number of weekends this year, tickets may be redeemed on any date during the festival.
Adults: $25
Ages 16-65Senior & Military: $20
Ages 65+ or w/ Military IDChildren: $15
Ages 3-15 / Children under 3 are FREE